Ford Mileage Cheat Device Canadian Class Action
QC May 15, 2019 [en]
Application for Authorization
CONSUMER LAW GROUP has instituted a class action lawsuit against Ford for installing a mileage/kilometrage cheat device and for misrepresenting the fuel economy rating in the 2019 Ford Ranger vehicles.
The emissions-cheating device is also likely installed in F-150 series vehicles and possibly all other Ford vehicles.
Ford marketed its Ranger vehicles as follows: “All-New Ford Ranger Rated Most Fuel Efficient Gas-Powered Midsize Pickup in America.”
Ford knew that consumers pay a premium for fuel efficiency and that less fuel burned means less emissions, and therefore more sales and profits for Ford. Its own employees questioned its fuel efficiency calculations; Ford chose to blatantly ignore the clear warning signs it was given.
Ford deliberately miscalculated and misrepresented factors used in vehicle certification testing in order to report that its vehicles used less fuel and emitted less pollution than they actually did. The certification test-related cheating device centres on the “Coast Down” testing and “Road Load” calculations.
Coast Down testing measures the forces working against the vehicle by driving it up to speed, and then shifting to neutral, allowing it to coast down, being slowed by forces such as wind resistance, rolling resistance of the tires, and other forces working against the vehicle.
Ford miscalculated “Road Load,” which is a measure of those forces, defined as the force that is imparted on a vehicle while driving at a constant speed over a smooth, level surface from sources such as tire rolling resistance, driveline losses, and aerodynamic drag.
This measure of forces acting against the vehicle during real-world driving is critical to the simulation of actual driving when a vehicle is tested in the laboratory. Ford’s internal lab tests did not account for these forces, which lead to better—and entirely inaccurate—fuel economy projections, and claims that the vehicles emitted less pollution than they emitted in reality.
Ford deceived consumers in calling its Ranger “fuel efficient,” and that without manipulating its testing procedures and ignoring common road conditions, Ford could not achieve the fuel economy and range it promised.
As a result of this misconduct, consumers were harmed and suffered actual damages; they did not receive the benefit of their bargain, and instead purchased or leased vehicles that are of a lesser standard, grade, and quality than represented, and did not receive vehicles that met ordinary and reasonable consumer expectations. Purchasers or lessees of the affected vehicles paid more, either through a higher purchase price or higher lease payments, than they would have.
If you or someone you know has owned or leased one of the Ford Vehicles and you wish to obtain more information on potential compensation or to be kept advised of the status of the Ford Mileage Cheat Device Class Action litigation or any resulting compensation resulting from the National Class Action Lawsuit in Canada, Quebec or Ontario, please provide your contact information to our law firm using the below form.
IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE CLASS ACTION OR TO SIMPLY GET MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW. Please note that providing your information creates no financial obligation for you. You are not charged any fee or cost for joining this class action. Our law firm is paid a contingency fee from the compensation recovered, only if the class action is successful. All information contained in this transmission is confidential and Consumer Law Group agrees to protect this information against unauthorized use, publication or disclosure.