Evenflo Big Kid Booster Car Seat Canadian Class Action
ON Jun 05, 2020 [en]
Statement of Claim -
QC Jun 03, 2020 [en]
Amended Application for Authorization
CONSUMER LAW GROUP has launched a Canada-wide class action lawsuit against Evenflo Company, Inc. and Goodbaby Canada Inc. for falsely and misleadingly representing and advertising their "Big Kid" car booster seats as "side-impact tested" and safe for children as small as 40 pounds.
A February 6, 2020 ProPublica report detailed internal concerns from at least one Evenflo engineer about the sale of the booster seat. ProPublica’s report also detailed a flurry of lawsuits, some settled confidentially, against the company and its competitors that allege a slew of catastrophic injuries, including paralysis and traumatic brain injuries, were caused by the Big Kid booster seat and similar devices.
Videos of the defendants' side-impact crash testing reveal that child-sized crash test dummies placed in Big Kid booster seats and subject to T-bone-style collisions are thrown far out of their shoulder belts, indicating that a child who experienced a real-life crash may very well have suffered catastrophic head, neck, and/or spinal trauma.
The supposedly "rigorous" tests on which Evenflo has based its safety claims were self-created and are wholly unrelated to the actual forces of side-impact collisions.
The lawsuit is being pursued on behalf of individuals who have purchased an Evenflo Big Kid booster seat.
If you or someone you know has purchased an Evenflo Big Kid booster seat, and you wish more information on potential compensation or to be kept advised of the status of the purchased an Evenflo Big Kid Booster Seat Class Action or any resulting compensation thereof in Canada, Ontario or Quebec, please provide your contact information to our law firm using the form below.
IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE CLASS ACTION OR TO SIMPLY GET MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW. Please note that providing your information creates no financial obligation for you. You are not charged any fee or cost for joining this class action. Our law firm is paid a contingency fee from the compensation recovered, only if the class action is successful. All information contained in this transmission is confidential and Consumer Law Group agrees to protect this information against unauthorized use, publication or disclosure.